A Guide to Our Intuition.
Natalie Blakeman Natalie Blakeman

A Guide to Our Intuition.

The word intuition can feel confusing. It is used a lot, especially in the world of spirituality, but what exactly is it? Why should we listen to it and how do we know the difference between our intuition and just another thought? There are so many questions to unpack around this. Here is my understanding of this guiding force..

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What’s in it for me?
Natalie Blakeman Natalie Blakeman

What’s in it for me?

If you’re new to Yoga, you may be thinking what has it got to offer me. Why should I invest my time, energy and money into showing up on my mat, week after week?

What leads us to Yoga often starts as something personal, such as to gain more flexibility, to relieve stress and worry or a certain ache or pain. That’s how it began for me anyway, as I searched for something to help with anxiety, but over the years it has transformed into something bigger, where it is no longer just about achieving something for myself. When I show up on my mat I see that it’s not just me that my practice is impacting on but actually everyone I meet. It changes the way I show up in the World and the energy I share and this then ripples out to the people around me.

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Know Your Roots.
Natalie Blakeman Natalie Blakeman

Know Your Roots.

Knowing our ancestors is vital, especially when it comes to looking at what makes us up on an energetic level. Gifts and also trauma can be passed down through the bloodlines so if we are to really embrace this life we have been gifted we must know and have a relationship with our ancestors.

“Before we were conceived, we existed in part as an egg in our mother’s ovary. All the eggs a woman will ever carry form in her ovaries while she is a four-month old foetus in the womb of her mother. This means our cellular life as an egg begins in the womb of our grandmother. Each of us spent five months in our grandmother’s womb and she in turn formed within the womb of her grandmother.

We vibrate to the rhythms of our mother’s blood before she herself is born. And this pulse is the thread of blood that runs all the way back through grandmothers to the first mother.”

When the drummers were women. By Layne Redmond.

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An Ancient Practice in the Modern World.
Natalie Blakeman Natalie Blakeman

An Ancient Practice in the Modern World.

At the time I didn’t realise, but Yoga was starting to make its way off the mat and into my day to day life. I found myself doing the breathing practices we had covered in class when I felt worry and fear beginning to stir in my belly. When my mind started to whirl out of control, I found myself bringing in the visualisations I had experienced during the relaxation. When I felt excess energy and rage at being held back by my own fears, I would use the postures and exercise to bring me back to a place of balance.

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Crystal Companions.
Natalie Blakeman Natalie Blakeman

Crystal Companions.

Crystals have been cherished by humans for millennia and are considered sacred objects by many different cultures around the World, from the Aztecs and Egyptians to the Romans and Chinese. This isn’t surprising when we consider the journey and process they have been through to come into form. With immerse amounts of pressure and temperatures over hundreds and thousands of years, they really are a gift from Mother Earth and help us to connect back to the wonder and beauty of Nature.

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How to Weave Your Intentions into the Wheel of the Year.
Natalie Blakeman Natalie Blakeman

How to Weave Your Intentions into the Wheel of the Year.

No matter where you come from in the World, your distant ancestors would have worked with the seasons and had to know what was happening in Nature in order to survive. There are lots of different variations of the ‘wheel of the year,’ but if your blood line stems from the British Isles you have more than likely come from the Celtic version.

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Womb Wisdom.
Natalie Blakeman Natalie Blakeman

Womb Wisdom.

Periods have been given bad press over the years. They are seen by many as something to hide, ignore and even stop. They are described as the ‘dreaded time of the month’ that just gets in the way of life. Thankfully times are changing.

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My Journey into Essential Oils.
Natalie Blakeman Natalie Blakeman

My Journey into Essential Oils.

I was on a Women’s Retreat in 2019 and there was a Woman there who gave a talk on essential oils. Like me, she had searched out safer products to bring into her home when her family started to grow. She showed us how to make our own cleaning products, toiletries and how essential oils can form an important part of our medicine cabinet. This is what I’d been searching for! I left the retreat, eager to find out more. Was it really as simple as she had said, to take charge of my own products and know EXACTLY what was contained? I had to find out.

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Whispers of Wisdom: Working with Tree Spirit Medicine.
Natalie Blakeman Natalie Blakeman

Whispers of Wisdom: Working with Tree Spirit Medicine.

So how can we work with Tree Spirit Medicine?

One of the first things that has helped me grow my connection with trees is my sit spot. I’ve wrote about this before on my Instagram and Facebook pages, so please go and take a look there for more information, but as a brief outline, my sit spot is a place not far from home where I can walk to everyday and just sit. It is an idea that many cultures across the World use to stay connected with their land and the rhythms and cycles of Nature. My sit spot is amongst the roots of a Beech tree and it is from my time spent here that I have begun to tap into tree energy.

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The Art of Smoke Cleansing.
Natalie Blakeman Natalie Blakeman

The Art of Smoke Cleansing.

We all know the importance of physical hygiene and the cleanliness of our homes, well smoke cleansing is a way we can help to look after the hygiene of our energetic bodies and space. As we go about our daily life, we can ‘pick up’ other peoples energy, low vibrations and negativity, affecting the way we feel and think. Negative energies can also ‘hang around’ our homes, either from previous occupiers or if there has been crossed words between the people who live there.

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Moon Magic
Natalie Blakeman Natalie Blakeman

Moon Magic

Everyone will have their own way of working with the moon energies, but in general here is what each phase offers us…

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