Nature, Yoga, Crafting & Community

What’s it all about?

If you are in need of some respite from day to day life. A place to come and unplug from technology and be yourself with no expectations or responsibilities. A place to deepen your connection with Nature, its cycles and seasons, this is for you.

Gathering at each Earth celebration through the year, we honor and take time to pause. Soaking in the 8 ancient festivals of this land, we meet at Winter Solstice, Imbolc, Spring Equinox, Beltane, Summer Solstice, Lammas, Autumn Equinox and Samhain. Each turning point of the year holding its own unique set of tree and animal spirit guides, energies and rituals to work with.

Expect, opening of sacred circle, moving our bodies in Yoga flow, guided Meditations, relaxing in the peace of Nature, wild foraged teas, crafting and sharing.

Truly enjoyable gatherings that blend Yoga with Nature to leave you feeling rejuvenated, nourished and humming with wellbeing.

When is this class?

A class is held for each of the following sabbats:

Samhain (October), Winter Solstice (December), Imbolc (February), Spring Equinox (March), Beltane (April/May), Summer Solstice (June), Lammas (August), Autumn Equinox (September). Please follow my Facebook or Instagram page or subscribe to my newsletter to stay updated with exact dates and venues.

Where is this class?

We visit a variety of private outdoor spaces, during the Summer in the Staffordshire Moorlands, from lush green gardens to wild woodland. During the Winter months our gatherings are held at Oakamoor Village Hall, Staffordshire.

Please contact Natalie for more details.

Yes! I have found the class for me.

How do I join?


To book please contact Natalie at


Please follow my Facebook page to stay updated.

“Be the change you wish to see in the World.”

— Mahatma Gandhi.