Earth School
Staffordshire Moorlands

What’s it all about?

Welcome to Earth School Staffordshire Moorlands.
A supplement to main stream education that aims to provide your family with knowledge on a vast range of Earth based subjects which will widen understanding and perception of the land on which we live and inspire future guardians of our wonderful planet.

Our curriculum covers lessons from soil quality and allotment planting to navigation and star constellations. There is a blend of community learning, spirituality, Earth care and Self-care.

For each lesson, I invite a different Wisdom Keeper to come and share their knowledge and skills. As the indigenous tribes know, it takes a village to raise a child. By involving people from the local community my aim is to create a rich, biodiverse place of learning where wisdom is passed on from human to human and people feel supported and empowered to take their learning and put it into action so we can start to play an active role in being the change we wish to see.

Wisdom Keepers: “In indigenous communities, teachers are revered as ‘wisdom keepers,’ entrusted with the young to help them grow and learn.”

Earth School is open to families with children aged 5 to 16. We are a nomadic group, travelling around to different locations dependent upon what our topic is for the particular lesson. We meet once a month on a Saturday and the lessons are approximately 1.5 hours.

Here are some examples of the subjects we include at Earth School Staffordshire Moorlands:

  • Herbalism, Natures first aid and medicines.

  • Soil quality, composting and allotment planting.

  • Natural bee keeping.

  • Woodland conservation.

  • Community garden tending.

  • Poetry, the arts and natural dyes.

  • Water quality and how to care for our water ways.

  • Wildlife care.

  • Heritage, history, family trees and ancestors.

  • Bushcraft.

  • Tracking and foraging skills.

  • Colour therapy.

  • Tree planting and ID skills.

  • Peaceful activism.

  • Sustainable building.

  • Radical rest.

  • Play as a revolutionary force.

  • Sustainable farming.

  • Laylines and dowsing.

  • Cooking and seasonal diets.

  • Storytelling.

  • Dance.

  • Yoga.

  • Stone circles and energy work.

  • Meditation and mindfulness.

  • Willow weaving.

  • Astrology, navigation and constellations.

The list does go on and on and I’m open to new ideas too so if you know a Wisdom Keeper who has something to share please do get in touch with me. I’ll hold the space but I need people from the community to come forward to offer their knowledge and gifts. Just 45 minutes to 1 hour of their time to share with families in hope to inspire them and teach them valuable skills and knowledge that they can carry forward. Being a Wisdom Keeper at Earth School is a lovely way to play your part in helping to create change for the better.

Founder of Earth School, Staffordshire Moorlands:

I’m Natalie, a mother of two, a local Yoga teacher and lover of all things Nature based. For some time now I have felt the need for an alternative form of education for my children. A place to come to where we can learn practical skills together, enrich our understanding and love of Mother Earth and see how we as humans can live a more harmonious, reciprocal and sustainable life.

Our children are our hope for the future. A different way of life is calling and my heart felt wish is that Earth School will support the change that is needed. We can all make a difference, no matter how small.

This is me, trying to make a difference.

Do you look at your children and think about the future? What will the World look and be like when they are our age now?

As a parent, I’m sure you hear me in what I say. We all want the best for our children and will do whatever we can to secure their future. So come and join us, let’s be a positive force of action and see what we can create!

Who is Earth School for?

Families who want to live a more harmonious and sustainable life that is rooted in Nature but feel trapped and confused about how to make this happen in the modern World. Earth School Staffordshire Moorlands is here to inspire, share tools and knowledge and to build connections in a human to human way.  

“Become as Earth restorer rather than an Earth consumer. Each breath we take depends on the Earth. Our growing wisdom and love for the Earth is creating new healing cycles we can all be a part of.”

Glennie Kindred

Aim of Earth School Staffordshire Moorlands.

All things are connected and have an effect. Here at Earth School, we aim to encourage a more reciprocal way of living through building deep relationships with Nature and the land on which we live. When we form emotional bonds we see plants, trees, creatures, rocks as the sentient beings they are and are therefore more likely to treat them with the respect and care they deserve. We start to live a life that sees the importance of giving back, even if it’s a simple thank you or a heart centred feeling. Through this we help to shift the whole back towards balance, which is where Nature thrives.

We too as humans are Nature, our bodies like balance, which is why we offer subjects in Self-care and body awareness. Fine tuning our skills to recognise what is nourishing us and what isn’t, can lead to lifestyle changes. Enhancing our sense of well-being and empowering us to take control of our health as we shift back into a more cyclical way of being, that is in tune with the seasons and cycles.

At the centre of Earth School Staffordshire Moorlands, lives community. We value human to human connection and nurture a supportive, kind and encouraging environment where we can all grow and learn together. We seek out people who are living amongst us, doing amazing work in Earth care and Self-care and we bring their gifts and knowledge to families, providing role models for our children and inspiring us to question, be curious and open to different ways of living as we envision a positive future for all.

Where is this class?

We are a nomadic group travelling to different locations around the Staffordshire Moorlands and surrounding areas dependent on what our topic is for that particular session. Please join our newsletter community for updates, check our our social media pages or our events page on this website.

Yes! I have found the class for me.

How do I join?


Full information on each session can be found on the events page of this website.

To reserve a place for you and your family please contact Natalie at


Exchange: £15 for a family of 3 or less. £20 for a family of 4 to 5.

Booking essential.

“The aim is to make it as normal for everyone to give back to Nature as it currently is to take Nature for granted.”

— Claire Dubois