Moon Magic


I have always had a fascination with the moon for as long I as I remember. Gazing up at it, fully lost in its beauty. Over the years I’ve seen myself gradually working with the lunar cycles more and more. I can’t say I ever set an intension for this to happen, it just seems to have naturally evolved alongside my other practices. I have found falling in sync with its cycle has given me reminders throughout the month to pause, assess and realign, all crucial things to prevent getting swept up in the chaos of life. If you are anything like me, it sometimes feels like time can run away and in a blink of an eye another month has passed. By noticing the moon phases it has offered me points through the month to acknowledge, slow down and appreciate the present moment and has given me a lovely way to keep my connection with Nature strong. 

Everyone will have their own way of working with the moon energies, but in general here is what each phase offers us:

New Moon

Time to wipe the slate clean so to speak. Let new ideas and dreams form, be creative and set intentions for the coming cycle. The New Moon is when I like to sit with my Angel card decks and ask for guidance on the coming month. I journal a lot during these days, noting down ideas, inspiration and dreams. 

For thousands of years, we have tracked the lunar rhythms. The moon is seen as the feminine aspect, as it echoes the average Woman’s menstrual cycle of 28 days. The new moon would be the time of bleeding. A time to move inwards and connect with the wisdom of our hearts and wombs. 

Waxing Moon

The energies around this time are ones of motivation and putting things in to action. The jewels you have received during the dreaming time of the New Moon are now brought forward and assessed. Which ones feel right to manifest now and which seeds of wisdom are you going to store for the future?

Full Moon

When compared with the menstrual cycle this is the time of ovulation, when the light of the full moon would illuminate the night time landscape for romance and love affairs. Of course with electricity we don’t have to rely on this anymore so our menstrual cycles have fallen out of sync with this time (there are ways to get back in sync but that’s a whole other blog to write!). At the full moon, I check in with how things are going. What is working well and what isn’t and I’m ready to let go of. It’s a time to give thanks and also cleanse, especially crystals. If the weather looks to be dry, I’ll take my crystals outside in the garden and leave them there through the night and part of the next day. It’s good to place them on the ground and I also set an intention when I first put them out. Asking my guides and being of the upper and lower worlds to keep them safe and asking the moon to restore their energies back to their purest form so they may guide me well when working with them. Some crystals don’t take kindly to water, so be sure to check the weather before leaving them outside. I have placed my crystals on window sills before or you could use a glass bowl to cover them or place them in a green house. When I collect them in, I’m always sure to remember to say thank you to the energies of the moon of our course my spiritual allies.

Waning Moon

This is time to slow down, a change in gear as the light begins to fade once again from the night sky. Carve time out to rest, receive and reflect, preparing for the new moon dream time. 

One of the ways that has really helped me to keep track of the lunar rhythms is through using a Moon diary. I have had many over the years. Nikki Strange offers a useful one with pages to write your intentions, reflections and gratitude on and gives prompts and some astrology information for the year. The Earth Pathways Diary is another good one which shows the lunar phases and seasonal earth festivals.
I can’t imagine not working with Moon Magic now, I think I would feel lost and unsettled. If you have never tried it, I urge you to give it a go, even if it’s just for one cycle. It can be as simple as you like or as extravagant. The beauty of it is that you make it your own.

I would love to hear your ideas and ways of working with the Moon. Please feel free to share in the comments below. 

Love & Light,



Enhancing the Yogic Path through Ayurveda.