Whispers of Wisdom: Working with Tree Spirit Medicine.

My Ogham Sticks.

My favourite memories as a child, are those of playing in the fields down the road from our home. I would spend hours climbing the trees that edged the fields and making dens within them. Sitting high amongst the branches until my tummy told me it must be dinner time then running home, only to return again after. I loved it here. I loved the sense of calmness. I loved the feeling of the bark and watching the insect that called these trees their home.

If we think back over our lives, I’m guessing the majority of us have some special memories that include trees or a particular tree and I’m guessing that at some point we have all experienced that feeling of tranquillity, like a long sigh out of the breath, when we walk into a woodland space. Trees have a long, rich history that is intertwined with humanity. They have been on this planet a lot longer than us humans and many cultures around the World remember this and rightly hold them sacred. If we look back to our culture here in the UK, we find the Celts and Druids held the trees with reverence and the upmost respect, to such an extent that they created an alphabet around them.

The Celtic Ogham (pronounced oh – em) consists of 20 symbols, each representing a different native tree/ plant. The Celts and Druids understood the trees as a source of energy on many levels. Physically they provide shelter and wood for building and making fires for warmth and cooking. They offer us fruits, berries and nuts for nourishment, leaves, bark and sap for medicine and a habitat and sanctuary for countless creatures. Today we also understand their importance in the great balancing work between the levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide. They offer us so much in this physical way, but it doesn’t end there…

Trees like all living things have an energy frequency, a vibration and aura. Each species of tree holding something different and it is from this deep connection with the trees that the Ogham was created. Time was spent with each species of tree and their unique energy uncovered and recorded. Their energy can be used as a medicine, a way to heal and guide us as we journey through our lives.

I have only been consciously working with Tree Spirits for the past couple of years, so it is a relatively new path for me and I still have a lot to learn and understand. During this short time, I have already received so much insight and assistance which is why I wanted to share these writing with you today.

So how can we work with Tree Spirit Medicine?

One of the first things that has helped me grow my connection with trees is my sit spot. I’ve wrote about this before on my Instagram and Facebook pages, so please go and take a look there for more information, but as a brief outline, my sit spot is a place not far from home where I can walk to everyday and just sit. It is an idea that many cultures across the World use to stay connected with their land and the rhythms and cycles of Nature. My sit spot is amongst the roots of a Beech tree and it is from my time spent here that I have begun to tap into tree energy.

It is important that when we start to communicate with the trees that you visit at different times of the year, in different weather conditions and at different times of the day and night. I think this is why my sit spot has worked so well in helping me gain deeper access to the wisdom that the trees have to share.

I work with a lot of different types of energy, from crystals to angel cards and I have found the energy of the Trees is subtler than what I have worked with before. Maybe this is because I’m still relatively new on this Tree Medicine journey but I find I really need to be quiet and still to hear their whispers of wisdom. Building a relationship, being able to rest in the presence of the tree and opening the heart space will all help. Carve out some time, tune into the breath and allow yourself to relax. Watch what arises for you and trust your innermost impressions, not forgetting to journal about your experience afterwards.

When it comes to choosing which tree to work with, as with all energy work, follow your intuition. You may be out walking and spot a tree that catches your attention, you may dream about a tree or be drawn back to a memory. However, you choose the tree to work with, always approach it with respect and ask its permission before truly listening to the answer. If your gut instinct says no, then move on and approach a different tree when the time feels right. Remember to also thank the tree afterwards to show respect and grow the bond between you.

Another way I choose which tree to work with is through my Ogham sticks. I use these as a divination tool by setting sacred space and maybe asking a particular question, before I dip my hand into the bag and draw out the stick which calls to me. I have a brilliant book by Glennie Kindred called ‘The Tree Ogham’ which I use to then reference the Ogham symbol to the tree. The book offers an insight to the energy each tree holds and provide me with a starting point to then seek out that tree or carry with me the Ogham stick (which is made from that particular species of tree) over the coming days or weeks, listening for any messages of wisdom, tracking my dreams and watching for synchronicities. It’s a beautiful way of learning things which would otherwise be hidden.

I am really enjoying working with Tree Spirits and deepening my appreciation of the trees. I have learnt a lot about how to recognise each species at different times of the year and have found their assistance a source of comfort and clarity in times of challenge. A lot of the trees are associated with the different sabbats in the Celtic Wheel of the Year, which has added to my depth of Nature connection. Having received so much from them already, I decided to commit to giving back by holding charity Yoga classes, throughout the year, to raise funds for TreeSisters and to also promote the work they do through adding a link on my website. Please do go and take a look and support if you can.

I would love to hear about your experiences of working with Tree Spirit Medicine. Please feel free to share in the comments below.

Love & Light,



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