The Art of Smoke Cleansing.

Using smoke as part of a Spiritual practice has been used by different cultures all over the World, from the Egyptians to the Native Americans. I was introduced to it around 2015 and it is now part of my regular practice. We all know the importance of physical hygiene and the cleanliness of our homes, well smoke cleansing is a way we can help to look after the hygiene of our energetic bodies and space. As we go about our daily life, we can ‘pick up’ other peoples energy, low vibrations and negativity, affecting the way we feel and think. Negative energies can also ‘hang around’ our homes, either from previous occupiers or if there has been crossed words between the people who live there.

Smoke cleansing has many different names, depending on which culture it is associated with. The indigenous people of the Americas call it smudging and the Gaelic call is saining. It is a sacred act and should be treated with the upmost respect. The smoke created from the sacred plant that is burnt, collects up the low vibrations and carries them out into the Universe, leaving your space feeling fresh and light. After I have completed my smoke cleansing ritual, I always feel I can see more clearly and colours seem brighter. I tend to smoke cleanse when I have the house to myself, as I don’t want my children to breathe in the smoke. I don’t always tell them when I have smoke cleansed as it is interesting to see how they react when they return home. Children are so intuitive and mine have often commented they feel our home is cleaner and brighter.

Okay, so how do we smoke cleanse? Here are a few things to consider and how I carry out my ritual…

Smoke cleansing works with the 4 elements – Earth, Water, Fire and Air.  


First, you need something to smoke cleanse with! Traditionally, certain herbs are used such as rosemary, lavender, sage and mugwort or sacred wood such as the popular Palo Santo (Holy Wood in Spanish). They all have different properties and ‘personalities.’ I tend to use sage as it has antimicrobial and antibacterial qualities as well as being very powerful at wiping the slate clean so to speak. If possible, pick herbs that you grow in your garden and make your own bundle however if this isn’t possible do your research before buying. Check out the quality of the herb, if it is organic and how it has been processed. Star Child Glastonbury are my go to when buying herb bundles but there are lots of other reputable suppliers out there.


Traditionally an abalone shell is used to hold the herb bundle and catch the ashes. If you do see any embers fall to the ground, be sure to stub them out!

Shells have a lovely calm, peaceful vibe and are a gift straight from Mother Earth’s ocean. Shells also do not set on fire which is obviously important here! I put a thin layer of sand at the bottom of my shell to protect its colour and to use at the end of my ritual to extinguish the smoke. If you are unable to find a shell to use, a clay pot of sand will also work providing you dedicate it to your cleansing ritual. All sacred tools should have a deep connection with yourself, so choose a pot that you love.


If possible light your herb bundle with a wooden match or from a candle flame. I tend to not blow out the flames but waft them out instead but there are different thoughts on this, so follow your intuition.


Ensure your windows and doors are open so the smoke and unwanted energies have a pathway to leave your space. I tend to use a feather to direct the smoke, but you can use a fan or your hand. If you choose to use a feather, it is better to use one that you have personally found rather than brought, as again this gives strength and meaning to your sacred tools. It’s suggested that we move the smoke in a clockwise direction when you are calling in certain energies and to move the smoke anticlockwise when you are clearing energies out.

Before you get started, ensure you have enough time to not rush the process. I begin by settling with my breath, coming into the present and my body. When I feel I have relaxed and focused, I call in my guides from the Upper and Lower Worlds, asking for their support, guidance and assistance in clearing my sacred space and home. I then set clear intentions for my ritual using words that come from the heart. There are lots of suggested phrases you can use here, but I feel it’s far better to keep it authentic.

Once the herb bundle is lit, I begin by sending the smoke around myself. Combing my energetic body, making sure I cover all areas, especially around the lymph nodes. Once complete I assess how I feel and if I need to return to any areas before visualising what I want my energetic field to be filled with. It’s important once you have cleared out the old, that you invite new energy in to replace it.

I then move on to my home. Some people start at the front door and finish there too, however I have found it works better for me to follow my intuition on where to start and this is different every time I come to smoke cleanse. I walk barefoot, taking time to move slowly around each room and paying attention to particular ‘hot spots,’ such as corners, around bins, computers, TVs and phones and also the bathroom which can be a place we dump energy when we come to physically clean ourselves. Also not forgetting to cleanse our beautiful crystals! Sacred smoke is a brilliant way to clear them of collected energies.

When I come to the end of my ritual, I send gratitude to all spiritual beings who have supported me with the practice and also to those who have passed down this ancient art to us. Once I have ensured the bundle is fully extinguished, I take the ashes out into the garden, returning them to the Earth.

I hope sharing my practice has been useful for you. I would love to hear about your smoke cleansing rituals so please feel free to share in the comments below.

Love & Light,



Whispers of Wisdom: Working with Tree Spirit Medicine.


Enhancing the Yogic Path through Ayurveda.