My Journey into Essential Oils.

Making Body Butter.

For me, having children was a game changer. It made me review the quality of food I brought, the pharmaceuticals I used and the cleaning products I sprayed around my home. I searched for products that contained more natural ingredients, contained less pesticides and artificials and products that I felt confident weren’t greenwashing just to make sales. I came across an app called ‘Think Dirty’ which breaks down lists of ingredients in products and gives them a rating. The lower the rating the safer the product. I was shocked to see the rating of our everyday products that we had been using for years. Even products that I thought contained more natural ingredients scored badly! With a baby to look after, I was determined to change the way I shopped and re-evaluate everything I used.

Now this hasn’t been an easy task! It has taken a long time and I have brought many products that may be eco-friendly and contain natural ingredients, but they have fallen short when put to the task they are meant for.

I was on a Women’s Retreat in 2019 and there was a Woman there who gave a talk on essential oils. Like me, she had searched out safer products to bring into her home when her family started to grow. She showed us how to make our own cleaning products, toiletries and how essential oils can form an important part of our medicine cabinet. This is what I’d been searching for! I left the retreat, eager to find out more. Was it really as simple as she had said, to take charge of my own products and know EXACTLY what was contained? I had to find out.


I watched a lot of videos, I read a lot of research and the Woman from the retreat was a massive help to me. There are lots of different brands of essential oils out there but what I found is that even they can contain artificial ingredients. I decided to go with the brand doTERRA as this seems to be the most transparent company when it comes to sourcing, sustainability and pureness of oil. (I would just like to point out here I’m not a doTERRA rep. I chose this brand as it felt right for me and I encourage you to do your own research on the brand you wish to use).

Getting set up with the basics did seem a bit pricey, but I didn’t realise just how long each bottle would last for as only a drop or two at a time is needed. I think it’s important here to mention, essential oils are powerful and adverse reactions can happen if they aren’t blended properly. If you are thinking about bringing essential oils into your life, please make sure you do your research and feel confident you can use them safely before giving them a go. It is not hard to learn this. A big help to me has been the doTERRA website and who is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to using oils.

Okay, so how do I use my oils…


One of the first things I brought was On Guard concentrate. This formed the base of all my cleaning products from surface spray to floor cleaner. On Guard is a mixture of different essential oils and you dilute it with water. This is basically all I use around my home. My cleaning product cupboard is pretty empty!

I go to for all my glass bottles. Essential oils can react to certain plastics and can deteriorate in sunlight so storing your mixtures in coloured glass is the recommended way.

Once I was happy making the change with the cleaning products I turned my attention to the medicine cabinet. I now use oils to help my family for a whole array of health issues. Here are a few of my favourite recipes:

Natural Vapour Rub.

¾ cup of shea butter (I like for all my carrier oils)

¼ cup of raw coconut oil

Melt them together over a gentle heat. Once cooled slightly add:

5 drops of Easy Air (doTERRA blend)

5 drops of Cypress

5 drops of Lavender

5 drops of Frankincense

Put in a glass jar to thicken. Apply to chest, back or feet.

Immunity Booster Blend.

5ml of carrier oil to 1 drop of essential oil

Carrier oil: Fractionated Coconut Oil (FCO)

2 drops oregano

2 drops On Guard (doTERRA blend)

3 drops tea tree

3 drops lemon

3 drops frankincense

Mix in glass pipette bottle and apply to soles of the feet.


Tension Headache Blend.

5ml of carrier oil to 1 drop of essential oil

Carrier oil: Fractionated Coconut Oil (FCO)

Peppermint and lavender (frankincense optional too)

Mix in glass roller ball bottle and apply to temples and back of the neck.


Sore Throat Blend.

5ml of carrier oil to 1 drop of essential oil

Carrier oil: Fractionated Coconut Oil (FCO)

Lemon and tea tree (On Guard optional too)

Mix in glass roller ball bottle and apply to throat area and around the backs of the ears.


Feeling Nervous Blend.

This was a saviour when my oldest son first started school. He would cry in the mornings, not wanting to go and his tummy hurting from the worry. I would apply Balance (a doTERRA blend) and tell him it was a magic potion to make him feel strong. I just love the smell of this oil so often apply it behind my ears and on my wrists as a natural perfume and have it in the diffuser around the house. As he associates me and home with the smell, I told him he could smell the oil on his wrists throughout the day and know I’m not far. It worked a treat and it wasn’t long before he was going off to school happy.


Body Butter

½ cup of shea butter

½ cup of cocoa butter

½ cup of FCO

Melt the above over a gentle heat. Once cooled slightly add:

10 drops of essential oil of choice. I love lavender, wild orange (doTERRA blend) or peppermint.

Pour into a glass jar and allow the mixture to harden in the fridge before fluffing with a fork.


I have loved my journey with essential oils so far. They really are a pleasure to use and as well as having practical uses, they keep my home smelling great as I apply the oils into my home made candles and into the diffuser. There is still so much more to learn, but I hope this has helped to inspire you and maybe get your started on your journey with essential oils.

Love & Light,



Womb Wisdom.


Whispers of Wisdom: Working with Tree Spirit Medicine.