Crystal Companions.

I have many different memories of crystals throughout my life. From my childhood days, visiting little gift shops and being captured by their beauty, colour and sometimes sparkle, to sifting for them on school trips at nearby mines. It wasn’t until my late 20’s that I began to actually understand the support they could offer and I began to use them in a more refined way.


Crystals have been cherished by humans for millennia and are considered sacred objects by many different cultures around the World, from the Aztecs and Egyptians to the Romans and Chinese. This isn’t surprising when we consider the journey and process they have been through to come into form. With immerse amounts of pressure and temperatures over hundreds and thousands of years, they really are a gift from Mother Earth and help us to connect back to the wonder and beauty of Nature.


So apart from the colour and sparkle, what makes a crystal so special?


Crystals are formed from a repeating pattern of atoms and it is this repeating structure that can hold energy. The pattern of the atoms is different for different types of crystals, depending on how and where they were formed, which gives each type of crystal different energetic properties.  


When we work closely with crystals, their energetic properties can infuse with our own energy and therefore enhance how we feel. It is with this that we can then start to identify which crystals we feel could support us in our life. For example, if you are feeling over worked, not cared for and want a gentler approach to life, Rose Quartz could help as this hold the vibration of love. By working with this crystal it will enhance the properties of love in our own energetic field.


If you’re drawn to working with crystals, it can feel overwhelming when we start to look at the vastness of what is on offer. How do we know which crystal to invest in?


The first thing I recommend is to find a reliable source. Lots of crystals come from mining in poor countries so it’s super important you search for an ethical supplier. The crystal will hold the energy of the hands it has passed through so checking it has been cleansed before you receive it and also cleansing it yourself is important if it is to assist you in its highest vibration. Then the fun can begin – which crystal to choose! If you are first starting out upon your crystal journey, I would say not to get too bogged down in which properties each crystal holds. We are working with energy here so let your intuition be your guide. If possible, go to a shop or market and hold the crystals and go with the one that feels right for you. Even if you don’t understand the energy, but it makes you feel good, that’s enough – its having a desired effect. I have learnt so much through chatting with crystal shop owners and stall holders, so look to them for guidance too and be sure to ask them to write down the name of the crystal you have bought. There’s been many times I’ve bought a crystal only to have forgotten the name of it by the time I’ve returned home. Scrolling through google images trying to track it down is not an easy task!


So now having chosen a type of crystal, you may be faced with a choice of shape it comes in, and this is when we can start to think a little more about how exactly we want the crystal to support us. There is a whole myriad of shapes available from wolves, crescent moons and angels to skulls and dragons.


The shape effects the way we receive the energy from the crystal and it can enhance particular properties. Here is a brief explanation on what the more common crystal forms offer:


Useful for grounding and connecting with the Earth element.


Powerful for manifesting our desires as the strong base acts as an anchor for our intention, whilst the apex sends the intention out into the Universe. This shape helps us to connect our root chakra to our crown chakra encouraging us to feel in tune with higher dimensions whilst staying grounded to the physical plane.


Connect us to the greater whole. They emit energy in a balanced way on all sides, creating a harmonious feel.

Tumble stones.

Practical, small and often inexpensive crystals that are a good starting point when building your collection. They are versatile and easy to carry around in pockets or on the body.


Help us to stay focused and provide a directional energy.


Emit the energy in a softer way when compared with other forms. They offer a gentle, loving version of the energy and assist in connecting with the heart chakra.


Provide strong vibrations due to having so many points combined. They are useful when we are looking to attain a sense of unity.


Represent fertility, life, transformation, new beginnings and feminine energy.


Once we have our crystal, we need to be able to look after it and program it with our own energy. Keeping it close by for some time will help with this and when it comes to cleansing there are lots of effective methods. My favourites are using sacred smoke and the light of the full Moon. I have written blogs on both of these subjects, so please go take a look on my website for more details on these. Other methods of cleansing are:

  • Using sea salt in a bowl and placing the crystal inside. Salt is very good at absorbing negative or low vibrational energy.

  • Holding the crystal under clear running water. However please do your research beforehand as not all crystals react well with water.

  • Sitting in Meditation and calling in our Upper World guides, Angelic Beings and white or violet light to purify any negative and low vibrations the crystal may have collected.

  • Using sound vibrations from Tibetan Chimes or Singing Bowls to realign the vibrations of the crystal.

  • Placing the crystal to be cleansed next to other crystals which are powerful cleaners, such as Selenite and Clear Quartz as these will help to draw off and transmute any energy that doesn’t belong.


When it comes to how often to cleanse our crystals, I suggest again to follow your intuition. If you are working with it and the energy feels dull or murky then chances are it needs some attention. Personally I cleanse mine about once a month, unless there has been noticeable low energy or feelings around then I cleanse more often. When I go about this, I treat it as a ritual making sure I set aside some time to fully be present and respectful and of course not forgetting to show my gratitude to whatever it is that has assisted me in the cleanse, such as the Moon, water or Angelic Being.


There are lots of ideas on how crystals can support us in day-to-day life. We may place them in our home to uplift the energy there, we may wear them next to our skin to receive their full support and healing or we may create crystal grids or offer them on our alters to help us with reaching our intentions. I have crystals on my bedside table and sometimes place them under my pillow if I’m feeling vulnerable or I’m working with my dream recognition. I carry crystals around with me in pockets and even place them inside my sports bra when offering classes, to help keep me grounded and to strengthen my personal sacred space. I have a crystal pendulum that I work with when I’m feeling unsure about which direction to go in. I pose a simple question to it and watch for the answer being revealed in the way it sways.


My children have their own crystals too, which they have personally chosen for themselves. They are great for children and they always have lots of fun deciding which one to buy. Crystals have helped mine settle at night and added extra comfort to make them feel secure and give them strength if they have felt worried.


Many people feel sceptical about the use of crystals. In the modern World, we like facts, we want to see research and physical proof but as always whenever we are working with energy it is difficult to obtain this. It need to be felt and experienced for yourself. For me, crystals are a valuable support in my life. They bring me joy and have provided comfort and strength in times of need, not just for me but for my family too and it is for this reason I hold them close to my heart and feel very grateful to have them alongside me, as companions.

Love & Light,



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