My Journey into Essential Oils.
I was on a Women’s Retreat in 2019 and there was a Woman there who gave a talk on essential oils. Like me, she had searched out safer products to bring into her home when her family started to grow. She showed us how to make our own cleaning products, toiletries and how essential oils can form an important part of our medicine cabinet. This is what I’d been searching for! I left the retreat, eager to find out more. Was it really as simple as she had said, to take charge of my own products and know EXACTLY what was contained? I had to find out.

Whispers of Wisdom: Working with Tree Spirit Medicine.
So how can we work with Tree Spirit Medicine?
One of the first things that has helped me grow my connection with trees is my sit spot. I’ve wrote about this before on my Instagram and Facebook pages, so please go and take a look there for more information, but as a brief outline, my sit spot is a place not far from home where I can walk to everyday and just sit. It is an idea that many cultures across the World use to stay connected with their land and the rhythms and cycles of Nature. My sit spot is amongst the roots of a Beech tree and it is from my time spent here that I have begun to tap into tree energy.

The Art of Smoke Cleansing.
We all know the importance of physical hygiene and the cleanliness of our homes, well smoke cleansing is a way we can help to look after the hygiene of our energetic bodies and space. As we go about our daily life, we can ‘pick up’ other peoples energy, low vibrations and negativity, affecting the way we feel and think. Negative energies can also ‘hang around’ our homes, either from previous occupiers or if there has been crossed words between the people who live there.

Enhancing the Yogic Path through Ayurveda.
Everyone will have their own way of working with the moon energies, but in general here is what each phase offers us…

Moon Magic
Everyone will have their own way of working with the moon energies, but in general here is what each phase offers us…