Earth School Staffordshire Moorlands. A session on EFT.

Sunday 2nd February 2025

1.15pm - 2.45pm

Bradnop Village Hall, Staffordshire

Our Wisdom Keeper for this event is advanced practitioner and master trainer in EFT Laura Heath of Change from the Heart. Come along and let’s learn together about this natural, powerful technique that can be used to help manage emotions, lower stress levels and promote sleep. A great one for all the family to get involved in!

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a form of natural therapy where we are guided around the body, gently tapping on certain areas (acupuncture points) to work through any difficult emotions we may be feeling.

There will be time sat in circle, time experiencing EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and how this can affect how we feel and some time journaling and drawing about our experience - consolidating our learning so we can carry it forwards and weave it into day to day life.

Earth School Staffordshire Moorlands is for families with children aged between 5 and 16. Learning as a family group is a great way to strengthen bonds, discover new interests together and form your own think tank; discussing and exploring ways on how you can become a family of the future.

For more information on Earth School Staffordshire Moorlands please visit

Exchange: £15 for a family of 3 or less. £20 for a family of 4 to 5.

For booking please contact Natalie on 07970940718 or at

Love & Light,



Newsletter January 2025