Earth School. Sound Healing.
Saturday 30th November 2024
10.45am - 12.15pm
Werrington Village Hall
Our Wisdom Keeper for this event is Karen Price of Affect Promoting Change and Leek Shamanic Workshops & Events.
Karen will be showing us that we are more than just the physical. Our bodies are made up of energy that can either flow in a harmonious way, bringing a sense of good health and vitality, or our energy can become stuck and murky leading to issues emotionally, mentally and physically. Sound healing is a valuable, natural tool in supporting us to work on a cellular level and keep our energetic hygiene in tip top condition.
The aim of this session is to open children and their adults up to energy work, in a fun interactive way. It is not just the doctor and medication we can turn to at times when we don’t feel ourselves. There is a whole host of natural alternative therapies that use energy that can be called upon for healing and helping us feel well.
There will be time sat in circle, time experiencing different sound vibrations and how this can affect how we feel and some time journaling and drawing about our experience - consolidating our learning so we can carry it forwards and weave it into day to day life.
Earth School Staffordshire Moorlands is for families with children aged between 5 and 16. Learning as a family group is a great way to strengthen bonds, discover new interests together and form your own think tank; discussing and exploring ways on how you can become a family of the future.
For more information on Earth School Staffordshire Moorlands please visit
Exchange: £15 for a family of 3 or less. £20 for a family of 4 to 5.
For booking please contact Natalie on 07970940718 or at
Love & Light,