New Moon Dream Time Meditation Circle.

Our New Moon Dream Time Meditation circle is a monthly online gathering where we light our candles, wrap ourselves in our blankets and prepare for deep rest.

Cosy up in the comfort of your own home, as we come together via Zoom online, around the time of the New Moon. PJs are completely welcome here!

When the light of the Moon is hidden from our skies, it is a powerful time to clear space, to reset and realign with the calls from our heart.

Be guided through meditations that work with the rhythms and cycles of Nature before drifting off to a sound nights sleep. There will be opportunities to journal and share if you wish. Joining with kindred souls as we set intentions ahead of the new lunar cycle.

From our time together you can expect:
- Space and time to relax.
- Soul enquiry to bring clarity and insights.
- Guided meditations to pave the way for sleep.
- A deeper understanding of the energies of that particular lunar cycle as I thread together astrology, the seasons and Earth festivals to create the theme for each circle.
- Group Oracle card reading to offer guidance for the lunar cycle ahead.

All are welcome, from complete beginners to Meditation to the well practiced.

A regular Meditation practice can help to create a positive mood, enhance emotional health and increase self-discipline. Meditation is something that everyone can do and it is a great way to improve our quality of life.

Recordings of the meditation are sent by email to those who can’t make the live and those who can, so you are able to replay as many times as you like until the next circle.

Our next circle:

Sunday 16th July 2023 at 8.30pm

Exchange: £8. Please comment below or send me a message to receive the Zoom link.

Love & Light,



Nature, Yoga, Crafting & Community.


New Moon Dream Time Meditation Circle.