Newsletter 20th November 2024
Good morning and happy Sunday to you all.
Well, we are definitely in the throes of late Autumn and Winter now aren’t we and the weather for sure makes the call for hibernation and rest even harder to ignore.
At this time each year, you’ll start to hear less from me as I do what I preach and clear space for downtime. With that in mind I thought I’d better let you all know the dates for the Christmas break which I’ve outlined below, please do take a look at this.
I hope you’ve been enjoying our ‘Namaste to the Moon’ theme during our evening Yoga classes. We have two weeks left with this theme before we move on to something festive for the final two weeks before Christmas.
It seems like a long time away yet, but I just wanted to give you notice about a price increase that will come in January. Since I started offering Yoga 12 years ago, I’ve only ever put my prices up by £1! The very first classes I taught were priced at £5.50. I want to continue to make Yoga accessible to all so I’m only increasing by 50p. One of the halls we use for the evening classes are putting their room rent up so I’m hoping this will cover the additional cost. So as of January all evening Yoga classes (in person and on Zoom) will be £7. I’m hoping that’s workable for everyone and still allows you to come and benefit from the wonderful practice of Yoga.
Thank you to everyone who came along on our Yoga community walk last weekend at Hawksmoor. As always it was great to see connections being made and people getting to know each other better and of course to spend time outdoors too and discover yet more new walking routes right on our doorstep! If you regularly come along to class and would like to be kept up to date with future walks please let me know.
Unfortunately, the next Earth School session planned for 30th November has been cancelled due to only 3 families being booked on. I would appreciate any support in helping to spread the word of Earth School. Details of our December session are shown below and if you know anyone curious please direct them to or myself.
Im asking for bookings to be made in advance of the sessions as I have a venue and a wisdom keeper to pay for each month. The cut off for booking is 1 week ahead of the session so I can give the venue and wisdom keeper enough notice if I need to cancel the session if numbers are low and I can’t meet the costs.
I truly believe groups like this are needed in the World and I’m happy to step up and plan, organise and host them but I need the families to make this work. If you can help in anyway to spread the word and work of Earth School, it would be much appreciated.