Newsletter July 2024

How are you all fairing through the Summer? 

We’ve had a challenging few weeks here with a dose of covid in the house, a flat tyre, a trip to minor injuries and a flat car battery - all in the space of two weeks! My Yogic breathing came into use more than once and yet again made me feel so grateful for having such a powerful practice in my life. I owe Yoga a lot! 

Thank you to everyone who has joined us for the Meditation Quest. We are currently on day 14 of 21. It’s not been easy by any means so hats off to all of you who have stuck with it and are heading to the finish line. Whether you’ve completed every day so far or just one day I hope you’ve found it of some benefit and it’s helping to add another layer of understanding about yourself. Knowledge is power as they say and the Meditations have been asking us to delve into some very tricky questions indeed. 

There’s a quote by Joseph Campbell that I love that springs to mind here - “The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure that you seek.”

For my Questers who are still on track - keep going!! 

This week sees the start of our next evening Yoga class theme - The Elements. 
This theme weaves quite a bit of Yogic philosophy into it and aims to give you a better understanding of your own body make up and where you sit on the scales of balance. The elements are all around us but also within us and in order to feel a greater sense of well-being these need to be as balanced as possible within your system. We will look at asana (postures), mudras (sacred gestures) and mantras (sacred sound) that stimulate each of the elements, empowering you to then treat your own body and lead it into equilibrium. 

I’m looking forward to sharing this practice with you all. ​Feel free to come and join us any week at class. 

Love & Light,



Your Sacred Grove - Apple


Your Sacred Grove - Hazel