Newsletter May 2024 Our Yoga Community

It feels like a lot has happened since my last newsletter to you. Holidays have come and gone, we’ve celebrated Beltane and I’ve said goodbye to my 30’s. People have told me life begins at 40, so I’m excited to see what the next decade brings! Thank you for all the well wishes as I join the 40’s club. 

Next week sees us begin our next evening Yoga theme. There will be loads of options as usual so everyone can move at their own level. As always it’s inspired by Nature and the heightening energy of this time of the year as we make our way towards Summer Solstice. It’s all about growth and expansion! 

The increased hours of daylight encourage us to embrace life, manifest and socialise. At this time of the year, I see neighbours who I haven’t seen all through the Winter as people venture out into their gardens again. I love the Spring time for this - this strengthening of community. 

And we have an amazing community at our Yoga classes. I love chatting to you all, hearing about holidays, what’s been happening in your life and your latest Nature sightings! I value each and every one of you and are so thankful that you choose to be a part of what I offer. 

Don’t forget we have loyalty cards at class for you all to use. A little way for me to say thank you for your dedication to Yoga. Just pick up one when you arrive or leave and make your way towards a free class! 

We also have our Yoga Community walks and WhatsApp chat. If you regularly come along to class you’re welcome to join. It’s all totally free and we do go on some beautiful adventures together around the local landscape and it allows us that valuable time to chat and catch up with each other that we don’t always have at class.
If you fancy joining us, just let me know.

Human connection is so important for our well-being. Sharing experiences, feeling valued, supported and building true, honest relationships is nourishment for our Soul. I am understanding this more and more and I hope creations such as our Yoga Community walks and chat, Nature Yoga Crafting & Community and our Yoga retreats help. Human connection woven in with Nature connection and a mindful, embodied practice such as Yoga is a powerful triad to behold as we all search for our way towards wellness and fulfilment. 

With that, I’m feeling more passionate than ever to keep being of service. To keep creating opportunities to come together and experience and to keep opening the way for moments of beauty to unfold. 

I hope you’ll join me for the adventure. 

Love & Light,



Your Sacred Grove - Holly


Your Sacred Grove - Oak