Newsletter late August 2024

I’m hoping you’ve all had a fantastic Summer time and made loads of new memories with family and friends. I for one have been loving the holidays with my boys. No school routine to follow and just a more general easy, go with the flow vibe. But as we know, nothing lasts forever and the signs of Autumn are creeping in… leaves are looking tired and sounding crispy, the Swallows and Swifts have gone, mushrooms are appearing, the air is feeling cooler and damper and I’m already starting to find some rather impressive spiders in the house! 

With this change of season, we also see our evening Yoga class theme change as we leave our journey with the elements behind and prepare to start something new this coming week. Expect a good, slow stretch with a dash of warmth here and there. My aim is for you to leave class feeling like you’ve just had a big, cosy hug - you know that feeling where it’s so lovely from the inside out! Feel free to come and join us any week. You can find the class days and times below. 

I also have something new that has been growing quietly in the background that I’d like to share with you and also see if you can help… 

For some years now I’ve had a dream of creating a space for children and families to come to which will help to supplement the mainstream educational system by offering learning that is focused on Earth care, Self care, spirituality and community. 

I’m not going to lie, I’ve wrestled with this dream. Picking it up and putting it down, fearing that it’s too big for me and doubting myself if I can make it work but it just won’t leave me alone. Pulling quietly at me telling me I need to make this happen. So I’m trusting and letting it lead me into the realm of something new, pushing my boundaries and being curious about how it will evolve. The one thought that has really helped me over come my doubts is ‘this is not about me.’ All the stuff holding me back from offering this is ego stuff. I’m not, I can’t… 
This offering is not about the ‘I’. This offering is about the collective. Change is needed on how we as humans live our life here on planet Earth. We need to balance the destruction and continually taking with harmony, giving back and care. We need to preserve skills and knowledge from our local community and pass it on to the next generations. Inspiring our children and showing them that a different way of living is possible.

As the indigenous tribes know, it takes a village to raise a child. My knowledge will only go so far and as we know diversity is key for a rich environment so I’m looking for people in the local community to come and offer 45 minutes to 1 hour of their time (or more if they like!) one Saturday morning to share a specific skill or knowledge they they can carry forward as they grow.

Here are some of the subjects I would like Earth School Staffordshire Moorlands to offer:

- Herbalism. Natures first aid and medicines. 
- ⁠Soil quality and allotment planting. 
- ⁠Natural bee keeping. 
- ⁠Woodland conservation 
- ⁠Community garden tending. 
- ⁠Poetry, the arts and natural dyes. 
- ⁠Water quality and how to care for our water ways. 
- ⁠Wildlife care
- ⁠Family trees and our ancestors
- ⁠Bushcraft
- ⁠Tracking and foraging skills
- ⁠Colour therapy 
- ⁠Tree planting
- ⁠Peaceful activism 
- ⁠Sustainable building
- ⁠Laylines and dowsing 
- ⁠Astrology, navigation and constellations. 
- ⁠Cooking and seasonal diets
- ⁠Storytelling. 
- ⁠Willow weaving 
- ⁠Stone circles and heritage 
- ⁠Shamanic drumming 
- ⁠Dance
- ⁠EFT

The list does go on and on and I’m open to new ideas too so if you or anyone you know has anything to share please do get in touch. I will be able to offer some monetary exchange for time and resources. 

The sessions are for families with children aged 5-16 year olds and will be held once a month. It will be a nomadic group, travelling around to different locations in the Staffordshire Moorlands depending upon what the topic is. 

I hope to start at the Autumn Equinox! 

Please can you help to spread the word and please don’t be shy about sharing a gift/ knowledge you may have. It will be a lovely way to play your part in helping to create change for the better.


Your Sacred Grove - Blackthorn


Newsletter August 2024